Arizona Athletic Grounds Fieldhouse C

Action Shots

PARKING INFO HERE: $5. + 0.49 at the pay station/QR Code.
(Parking pass with ticket purchase is $5 + $1.15)

General Admission:
Ages 15+ $30
plus taxes and fees

Ages 11-14 $25 plus taxes and fees

Ages 10 & younger free

All spectators must wear wristband (on wrist) and show to security upon entry.

Event Communication - questions regarding schedule, event info, feedback or other inquiries should be directed to your gym/studio coach or owner. For any additional questions on-site, please visit the Merch Booth (Shelley) to assist. Please do not approach staff on judges riser for event questions.

CONCESSIONS: Managed by AzAG + food trucks at select events.

Plan on arriving during your athlete’s session. Seating will be congested during the transitions between awards and the next session.
CONCESSIONS: venue concessionaires and food trucks.

No alcohol permitted inside fieldhouse c

Event Merchandise AT SELECT EVENTS CASH preferred with exact change.
Red Carpet Screen Print T-Shirts : $35
Red Carpet Glitter Infused DTG Tees: $22

CASH preferred with exact change.
Venmo & Zelle available- please note cell service can be limited so cash is the preferred method of payment.
Apple Pay or Zelle to voscheer@gmail.com
Venmo @voscheer


Enter through Miller Lite Way Concourse

Performance Order: Please contact your program for your team’s arrival and performance times.
ACT I : Prep/JH Cheer/CheerAbilities - 9-11:30
ACT 1 Awards: 12:30 pm
ACT II : Tiny Novice 12:30 - 1:00
ACT III: Mini & Youth Elite 1:00 - 2:15
ACT III Awards: 2: 2:45 PM
ACT IV: Junior/Senior Elite, IOC 3:00 - 5:15
ACT IV Awards: 5:40 PM



a. Spectator Seating – Chairs are reserved for spectators. Athletes should always make room for guests to sit. Tiny/Mini athletes may sit with their parents when not practicing or with their coaches.
b. Consideration for All Guests – Please be courteous and make room for all spectators. Transitions between sessions and awards can become crowded, so we appreciate your patience and kindness.
c. VIP Seating – The center seats in the first two rows are designated VIP areas for fans of the performing team only. No permanent seating is allowed in this section. Coaches/owners may allow other athletes or fans to sit in this area, but Jovon and Security must be notified by the Head Coach/Owner at least 15 minutes before the performance.
• Athletes supporting other teams should sit in the third row (if available) and only if the hosting program welcomes them.
• Additional spaces are available throughout the venue for cheering on fellow teams.
d. Standing Areas – If standing in open areas, please remain off to the sides of the performance area and avoid blocking the view of judges or other spectators.
e. Chair & Aisle Regulations – For safety reasons and per the fire marshal’s direction, chairs may not be moved, relocated, or placed in any way that obstructs paths or aisles.
f. No permanent seating is permitted in the VIP area .


a. Photography Restrictions – No flash photography, extended lenses, or semi-professional cameras are permitted. Requests for exceptions must be requested at least 3 days before the event and must not conflict with venue policies or contracted photo/video services.
b. Recording Guidelines – Spectators may record or take photos of their own athlete’s team only.
c. Commercial Use Prohibited – Any photos or videos taken at the event may not be used for commercial or for-profit purposes.
d. Respecting Visibility – Keep phones and tablets at seated-eye level to avoid blocking the judges’ view. Selfie sticks, monopods, and tripods are not allowed. This is especially important when our younger/smaller athletes are performing.
e. Judges’ Area – Please do not gather near or in front of the judges’ riser. Spectators in this area will be asked to relocate.
f. Social Media – Share your support with #VOScheer and #RedCarpetClassicAZ on Facebook and Instagram to spread positivity!

• Saving Seats – Do not use bags, purses, water bottles, or other items to reserve seats. Security may move unattended personal items to the floor to free up seating.
• Warm-Up & Practice Areas – Only certified coaches, athletes, and staff are permitted in warm-up and designated practice spaces. No spectators are allowed in these areas.
• Cleanliness & Trash – Please dispose of all trash in appropriate receptacles. There are several located around the venue.
• Restrooms – are Located on the east side of the venue and outside.
• Service Animals – No pets allowed except for official service animals.
• Quiet Space – Nursing/pumping mothers, parents of infants, and guests with adaptive sensory needs who require a quiet space should see Shelley at the coaches’ check-in for accommodations.
• Behavior & Conduct – Any spectator who demonstrates hostility, disrespect, poor sportsmanship, or disregard toward VOS staff, attendees, or event policies will be asked to leave by security. Let’s be the best version of ourselves for our kids!
• Admissions – No refunds on admission, no exceptions.

Thank you for your cooperation in making this a fun, safe, and positive event for everyone!

Here are some other notes about Valley of the Sun Events.

Level/Division Combination - some single team divisions have been combined to help create depth in divisions. Same with all our solos & duos, stunt groups. In all cases, teams will be scored based on the difficulty for their declared level and age appropriate technique.

Teams will be eligible for Level/Division Champions if they are in a blended-level category.

What is EXCEL? Only offered at select events. Excel is a specialty prep division with blended levels allowing up to 2 optional, more advanced level tumbling passes. This provides opportunity to showcase higher level tumbling BUT No additional difficulty is awarded.

Event Champions are the highest scoring elite or international full category divisions. Prep, novice and NT teams are not eligible for event champs, but are eligible for our other specialty awards.